Part 30: Episode XXVII: The City of Rules
Episode XXVII: The City of RulesMusic: Facade's Theme

Welp, we now somehow need to cross this labyrinthine city of Facade. This is...easier said than done. Facade is intentionally made to be an absolute clusterfuck to navigate, so do not worry if you get lost as hell. You are pretty much supposed to do so the first time.

Eventually, a fast travel option will open up if the docks located at key points around the city if normal video game logic is to be believed.

Of course, we'll probably have to learn to speak Wingdings first. Well, let's squiggleylinewithdotcurvyMblackpointer squiggleylinewithdotwhiteboxcurvyHblackboxsquigglylinewithdot!

The easiest way to transverse Facade is to just stick to the very outer perimeter of the city and always head for higher ground. There aren't too many invisible walls in the town, so if a platform looks like you can double-jump to it, you probably can double-jump to it.

That said, there are pit-falls, quicksand traps, and sudden drops all over town. Falling into any of these will boot Nier to the central look-out platform of the city and trigger a conversation with Weiss.

Several minutes of running in circles, climbing stairs, running into dead-ends, and the like later...

Finally, Nier and Weiss reach the King's Palace. There is just one small catch...

We're outsiders, we don't speak the language, and you usually can't just waltz into a King's Palace, much less immediately chat-up the head of state, now can you...? The hell were we even thinking we'd accomplish here...?

In a rare show of mercy, Cavia does not make the player bumbled all the way back to the entrance of the crazy town.
A quick travel breaking MY IMMERSION later...

Back at the entrance of town, our heroes come upon a small child trotting along with some groceries.

The kid promptly does a face plant, no doubt from the shock of seeing a burly unmasked man storming toward her with a sword bigger than she is on his back and a dapper tome floating alongside him. She spills her bag of goods all over the ground in doing so.

Since Nier is obsessive-compulsive about helping people, he immediately springs into action and gathers everything off the ground to hand back to the kid.

The kiddo seems to be thankful, but fails to state as much. She just kind of waves her arms around in a friendly manner.

As it turns out, the little girl (yes it is a girl) is a mute. Luckily, Grimoire Weiss knows sign language. I am not even going to ask how that works but whatever...

Fyra will now give Weiss and Nier a tour of Facade. We need to follow our little guide around town as she shows us the sights. Sure, why not? Note that auto translated dialogue will now be denoted by (Parentheses) from here on out. Grimoire Weiss is a floating Babel Fish. I'll just let this section speak for itself. We'll be learning a bit about Facade's err...odd...culture.
A walk around the corner later...

I should mention that Fyra runs...very...very slow. Like slightly above Nier's walking speed slow. Nier himself moves at speeds of "mild jog" and "HAUL ASS!" so it is a bit annoying to take it slow.
A tip-toe down to the docks later...

Following this tour, the sand-skiff fast travel option becomes available to get around Facade in a much less tedious fashion. It is worth noting you can SKIP THE RIDE if you press start at any point shortly after it begins. Otherwise you'll ride the sands in real-time to your destination. I've talked to a few people that realized that about 75% of the way through the game.
A trip on the token quicksand that is functionally re-textured water later...

If you are the impatient type, you are now given the option to be a dick to the helpful 10 year old and skip her tour of town. But, we're not going to be doing that because Papa Nier isn't a jerk to kids. Stuff, it Weiss.
Another trip across town...

Yet another skiff journey later...

Another sand sailing trip...

One last sand crawler tumble...

At least Fyra and Nier return to the King's Manor to conclude this foolishness. Fyra speaks once more when we arrive at the gates.

So, Weiss is now fluent in Wingdings (well their writing is just Wingdings, they speak Japanese with hiragana shuffled around) and will auto-translate any of the residents of Facade's speech from here on out. I'm not sure how a tour from a girl doing sign language accomplished that but...I'm not complaining...

Here is the King's Advisor. He never actually gets a proper name in-game, but it is Neun (Nine in German.) Facade residents follow a German numbers naming scheme for unknown reasons. Fyra's Japanese name was Vier (Four.)

Welp...that was a massive waste of time. This town...

All the way back to Kainé...

Fyra runs over to the group...

A masked soldier runs over to a pair of his comrades loitering about the gates...

Nier and Weiss return to the gateways of Facade. But, Kainé seems to be holding back for some reason. Let's see what is up...

Welp... If 'Barren Temple' doesn't sound like a new dungeon, I don't know what does... At least we'll get away from this nutty town's rules venturing there. Right...?

Full Facade Tour

Tour Highlights